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CuOro Resources Corp

CuOro Resources Corp announces that it has received the final data, maps, and report on theairborne magnetometer and radiometric survey which was conducted by MPX Geophysics Ltd(“MPX”) over the Company’s 100% owned Santa Elena Project, located in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.

Highlights Include:

  • A large magnetic feature over 1km in length over the outcrops in the current exploration area
  • A new large 1km by 500m intense magnetic anomaly in the southwest corner of the property several kilometers from the current exploration area

Several smaller yet intensely magnetic bodies have been mapped on the Company’s northern concession.

The airborne magnetometer and radiometric survey was flown with a helicopter and covered the entire 1287.5 hectare project area. Lines were orientated east-west and flown at a 50 meter line spacing with north-south tie lines every 500 meters. A total of352 line-kilometers of data were collected.

The objectives of the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey were to provide information to facilitate geological mapping and to assist in the delineation of target areas for future ground geophysical surveys and guide the current diamond drilling program. Prioritization will be the interpretation of anomalies which may represent massive sulphide mineralization.

VMS deposits typically contain pyrrhotite, an iron sulphide that is magnetic and can be detected by magnetometer surveys. Tests by Company geologists confirm the presence of pyrrhotite within the massive sulphides at Santa Elena.

Within the current area of exploration a large magnetic feature has been delineated from the southern most massive sulphide outcrops to the northern most edge of the Santa Elena Property. The magnetic feature is over a kilometer in length and is on strike with the existing massive sulphide outcrops.

A large highly intense magnetic anomaly has been mapped on the southwest corner of the property several kilometers from the current area of exploration. This magnetic feature is approximately one kilometer in length and five hundred meters in width. It is unknown whether this magnetic anomaly is part of a larger magnetic body, or if it is an independent geological feature. This anomaly warrants further investigation, and field crews will be deployed to this area immediately. No prior exploration or field mapping has been conducted in this area however recent work has discovered two new massive sulphide outcrops that are currently being channel sampled.

Several smaller yet intensely magnetic bodies have been mapped on the Company’s northern concession. These anomalies will be targeted for field exploration.

This data – used in combination with the recently completed phase one IP and resistivity survey -will greatly enhance the Company’s interpretation and understanding of the regional geology and structural system within the Santa Elena Project area, along with the identification of additional drill target areas.

Santa Elena is classified as Porphyry and poly-metallic deposits project containing 1,287.5 hectares near the north end of the Antioquia batholiths, in sequence of Cretaceous marine sediments and basaltic volcanic. Contains a large stockwork system, with an iron cap on top of the massive sulphide outcrops (Gossan) which potentially indicates an underlying porphyry system. Excellent infrastructure including paved road access, two hydroelectric plants within 5 km, and abundant water supply. Geological mapping and sampling has identified 2 VMS areas of outcropping (Azufral & Arroyo), and gossans. Ground geophysics has identified 4 strong conductors with good vertical extent, 2 of which are coincident with the Azufral & Arroyo outcrops. Artisanal underground workings exposed mineralized, sheared and brecciated mineralization with up to 2. 50% sulphides, from 0.5% to +2% Cu & from 0.2% to +1% Zn.

Contact MPX Geophysics to learn more about how we can help you achieve your exploration goals.

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